Sunday, December 4, 2011

Buttonwillow Wrap ~ A Finished Knit

No fabric stashing today, but I do have a finished knit to show you. 

The Pattern:  Buttonwillow Wrap by Rosemary (Romi) Hill.

When I am taking a step back from the sewing machine I continue to turn to the knitting needles.  Knitting is hypnotic and soothing, and you can quickly while away time when waiting for ... cricket training to finish, appointments, hair foils to do their thing, kids that need to be picked up ... you know how it goes.

The Yarn:  Madelinetosh Merino Light in Grasshopper.

I've also continued my love affair with Madelinetosh Merino Light, a soft and squidgy single ply.  This shawl requires more than a single skein of yarn (I used the half skein of yarn left over from my Cladonia project), and as my two skeins were not from the same dye lot ~ and one was noticeably darker ~ I alternated the two skeins every two rows throughout this project.  

The Buttonwillow Wrap is a great portable knit, with simple repetitive chart reading.  I encountered some early difficulty with the center increases, and chose to use stitch markers to help me recognize the placement of the increases; and from there it was smooth sailing.

By the way, there is a lot of purling in this shawl.  If  you take on the challenge of knitting this shawl and you're not of fan of the purl stitch before this project, you will be afterwards!

For more pictures and all the details check out my Ravelry page:

Enjoy Sunday!


  1. Beautiful! I *must* learn to knit. Maybe in 2012? Love the idea for mixing the dye lots...fabulous. :)

  2. This is just gorgeous - Breathtakingly beautiful !

  3. this is stunning. I knit too!

  4. what can I, as Willow ;-), say? I can only repeat what i allready told you: You did a fantastic Job!! This is georgeous♥

    I dont have the patience for such a big shawl. Though i love knitting by heart.

  5. So pretty. This is going into my never ending queue.

  6. Gorgeous! That color is perfect for this grey season.

  7. fabulous shawl! your pix are so good!
    i'm up to the border on my cladonia pattern and have melosa [kidman figueroa] waiting, a sideways knit shawl. it should be fun, too!

  8. Lovely colour and gorgeous shawl!

  9. How beautiful! I too turn to knitting when I'm not sewing and also find it calming.

  10. Colour gorgeous, pattern gorgeous, finish gorgeous - just love it!

  11. Oh wow - it is absolutely amazing!

  12. 'Tis another knitty beauty! (and I do love a pattern that looks impressive, yet is easy to memorise - even, like, with a small one climbing on to your head to 'help')...

  13. Stunning. I too love the colours!

  14. Hello! I've followed your blog for awhile (simply LOVE your quilts) and just have to tell you that I am in awe of all the wonderful quilts (and now knitting) that you do! I don't know HOW you can get so much done so quickly - I would still be working on cutting out fabric for the last quilt you just finished - you are truly amazing! Love your blog!

  15. Was just looking at this shawl last night on Ravelry. I now need to get that yarn in that color since my mighty stash dosnt appear to have it. great job and thanks for the photo.

  16. STUNNING. Love this...almost makes me want to learn to knit! lol...

  17. Beautiful - quilting takes all my time now. Makes me go dig out those knitting needles.

  18. Its just gorgeous but you are WAY TOO TALENTED!! I would love to knit and have it on my 'to do' list to jump on the net and teach myself! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Rita
    Where do you get your wool from this colour

  20. Hi Lorraine ~ I purchase Madelinetosh Merino Light from :


    I have made regular purchases from these stores for many years and have always been very happy with their service.


  21. Thanks for your info is great to get a recommendation on buying thru the net
    Best wishes
    From not so warm
    blueys beach NSW
    I thought it was summer ???


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