Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Sawtooth Star Quilt

The Sawtooth Star block is a very traditional quilt block that appears often in quilt history books, including in a simple color palette such as this.

I've been focused on making more Sawtooth Star blocks this week, and it was a task that took longer than anticipated.  The trickiest part of the block is piecing accurate Flying Geese Units, with each block requiring 4 such units.  I ended up making 25 Sawtooth Star Blocks which requilred 100 Flying Geese Units as well as persistence!

And ... I am really liking how this quilt top has turned out.  I've joined the blocks together with a relatively wide sashing which spaces out the blocks and balances the colors. 

This quilt top is in need of  a border.  I am down to the last few scraps of the ocean green solid fabric so that is not an option.  So I am thinking yellow.  A yellow border.  We'll see.

As always, thank you for stopping by,


  1. It is awesome to read a blog from the future! (It is still Oct 5 in my world) Your project looks stunning!

  2. It's wonderful. So simple, but so striking.

  3. oooh lovely!
    your work is so good and so neat... i thought the fist picture was a digital diagram you had put together for a project... :-)

  4. The colours you have selected are just so vibrant...... Your patience is definitely worth it.

  5. Its amazing how fast you work! I was really looking forward to seeing how your solid colors would come together it looks great!
    Unfortunately I do not have that neat factor going on. How do you get it all sooooooo pefect?

  6. I have a great love for traditional patterns and this is just gorgeous!

  7. I love this, the solids are just stunning!

  8. Good grief, you must have the patience of a saint!

  9. I love this quilt. Quite a different style and colours for you, especially using such a restricted colour palette. But it works beautifully. Such perfect blocks and dashing! You are incredibly precise.

  10. I have to admit when I first saw the colors you had chosen I thought "oh my" but now I love it, ir makes me think of watermelon and sunflowers at the same time :)

  11. I love the way the design and colours work together - the 'stars' really shine out :)

  12. This is amazing. The colors are so brilliant but not overdone. I usually expect to see some white fabric in your quilts. This one is different and I love it!

  13. Simply SPECTACULAR!! Can't wait to see it done!

  14. Your quilt got my eyes to move back and forth and sideways too LOL !!! WOW thats bright!

  15. This quilt is going to make some lucky person really happy! What a cheerful color combination! I think just having this quilt around your shoulders should "magically" heal any illness!!!

  16. Beautiful! That's really an eye-popping quilt! :)

  17. Might I be so bold as to suggest a dark blue for the borders, or maybe a nice deep indigo? Go with the contrasting colour.....

  18. Georgeous colors and the simpler the design, the more the colors can shine! How about a medium to dark blue border?

  19. Absolutely beautiful .. I think yellow would be very striking.

  20. yes indeed! this quilt is so stunning! i would love to see this in 'real life' ha! thanks for sharing!!

  21. No dark nightmares under this quilt! I love it. Cant do the same red as a border? (does sashing go around those outer blocks?) We all know the final choice will be brilliant. And your bindings are to die for.

  22. I can't decide if I like the solids, but I keep coming back for another look so I must do!

  23. This is very beautiful and well done. The yellow has gotton lost in all that red, however. I'm anxious to see what a yellow bordor does for it. Or navy?

  24. It's eye catching and looks to be beautifully made! At first I thought I was looking at EQ!

  25. Oh-ah, what wonderful happy colors; just perfect for a cool autumn day!

  26. Love it! It so nice and bright!!! Great job!

  27. These colours really freshen up the traditional pattern! I love it.


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